How to Install the Removable Screen in Your Window Vent

Installing the Screen Included With Your Window Vent

In order to help our customers keep out pests while their window vent is in use, we have decided to include a small removable screen with all window vent orders. Below is a quick video showing how to install one, using the Window Dryer Vent an example. 

If you choose to install it, simply push the screen in the opening at the back of the collar. Keep pushing it until it sits flat against the lip at the duct outlet. The screen will bow outward slightly. If you are using a window vent with a damper, such as the Window Dryer Vent or the 6" Window Vent, you will want to pop it in, so that it bows inward, and does not get in the way of the damper closing properly. In the event that you are using an Air Intake Window Vent, bowing in either direction is acceptable.

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